It is okay to breathe no matter what you think 
It is okay to breathe no matter what you're  doing.
It is okay to breathe no matter what you believe
It is okay to breathe even if you think that God is mad at you right now.
It is okay to breathe.
Breathing is a priority.
It is okay to breathe no matter what you feel.
Breathing means expiring in order to inspire.
If the exhale is not as smooth as the inhale,
Locate the tension or hold, and intentionally, release.
It is okay if releasing is not easy. Just try.
Open your mouth if you need to.
Make an O with the mouth while exhaling if you need to.
Slow down or increase the breathing pace if you need to.
Change positions if you need to.
It is okay if you need to urinate.
Dont forget to breathe while you're at it.
If you need to wet your mouth with water, do it
Keep breathing.
When the ease and relief that comes from breathing starts to fade, remember to breathe.
Even if you are having flash backs of what happened, breathe.
In the midst of the chills, breathe.
Breathe through it all.
If a thought makes you laugh, laugh as long as you need and continue to breathe.
If you need to be in motion for an easy breath, move and breathe.
Allow yourself to breathe all the time.
You are allowed to breathe no Matter what you think of yourself right now.
Relax, calm down.
If you need to speak out loud, do it and keep breathing.
You are allowed to breathe even if your breathing is loud.
You are allowed to breathe when there are people around you.
It is okay to look at yourself in the mirror while breathing.
You don't look stupid when you breathe.
It is not illegal to breathe.
You have the right to breathe.
Breathing won't make you be stared  at or judged by others. They don't care.
It is okay to breathe...
Breathe with ease.
Don't make it a chore. Don't try to perform or focus on the way you breathe.
If you find yourself trying to achieve anything, drop it and continue to breathe.
Focus on an easy and comfortable inhale and exhale.
If a thought  creates tension in your belly or chest and you start panicking or feeling tense, go back to focusing on a comforting breathing.
It is okay to breathe...
It is okay if breathing  slows you down.
Just make sure it flows easily, in and out,
Breathing is forgiveness and letting go.

I know the reason why you are so scared of other people.
I am not mad at you for being scared.
When you meet them, breathe.
When they look at you, keep breathing.
What ever you are doing with them, breathe.
Trust me with them when you are around them.
If one of them aims purposefully at your trust In me, have mercy on them because there are none.
So don't fear.
Remember I said:
breathe because it gives me life?
Are you breathing?
I am not mad at you if you are not
Try again, inhale, exhale.
I am down for the craziest sh!t you want to do right now and remember to breathe through it.

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